Any kind of problem in the throat can be heavy on health, identify the symptoms and get treatment immediately.

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Wrong eating, smoking, speaking in loud voice and infection causes throat problems. 
Who may have to make a mistake to ignore is heavy.

Some people suffer from throat pain and phlegm problems. Due to wrong eating, smoking, loud voice and infection, they have a sore throat. Sometimes the problem is aggravated by not getting the right treatment at the right time. In the changing season, very much care is needed, otherwise there is a possibility of fever. Cold food and drink should be avoided at such times. Washing hands before eating anything kills germs. Keep a sanitizer bottle with you.

Notice the symptoms

Sore throat

Sore Throat

High fever


Trouble breathing

Body ache

Dry throat

Voice rattle

Feeling of weakness

Prevention and treatment

If there is any type of problem in the throat, drinking light hot water provides relief. The infection spreads even when exposed to a person with an infection. Speech therapy is recommended if there is a sore throat. They should keep resting their throats in between. A throat infection can cause trouble for smokers, as it increases the risk of cancer. Hence smoking should be avoided. In the case of sore throat, tonsils or phlegm, putting salt in lukewarm water, gargling provides relief. Putting honey in tea or taking it like this also benefits a lot. If not cured within a week or ten, endoscopy can determine the cause of the problem.

Pay attention to these things as well

As much as possible, you should avoid eating outside food.

Do not buy cut fruits and vegetables from the market.

– Before cooking, wash the vegetables with lukewarm water.

– Do not leave the AC immediately in the sun.

– After coming out of the sun, avoid drinking cold water immediately.

– Consult a doctor in case of difficulty.

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