Neem Oil

Healthy Ayurvedic properties are hidden in neem oil

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Neem is used as ayurvedic medicine. Oil extracted from neem seeds can come in many ways. Neem oil has many medicinal properties. This oil is beneficial for both health and beauty. Apart from this, it can also be effective in many diseases. Ayurveda acharyas Dr. CM Pandey says, Neem is full of Ayurvedic qualities. Neem tree bark, leaves, and fruits are beneficial for all health.

Neem Oil

After cataract and night blindness in the eyes, apply neem oil like mascara in the eyes. After swelling of the eyes, grind the neem leaves and grind the neem leaf on the thumb of the left foot if the dap is in the eye. If such a woman is in the eye then apply on the right thumb, the blurring of the eyes and swelling will be cured.

Neem can cause malaria mosquitoes and larvae arising. It is very effective on mosquitoes. Neem oil can control malaria. It works as a biological insecticide for the farmers. It does not harm the environment. It does not mix any harmful substances in the supply of ground or water, it is biodegradable. It does not harm the useful insects in the form of bees and earthworms.

Use neem oil for healthy and shiny hair and to remove hair dryness. By applying neem oil regularly, the headache will be removed, which will correct the problem of Russian. The hair does not even have two mouths. If there is a problem of baldness then apply neem oil in the head. This also removes yaw-drops.

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