America is shaken with a lie China, complete with the South China Sea link
America and China’s strong relations are not hidden from anyone on the South China Sea. At times, the tlqīnīs go on growing in these relationships from time to time. The recent case has also been done to increase the tension between the two countries. This time, due to this, the US made a statement. Actually, in the US it was claimed by the Pentagon in the past that the PLA launched the missile from the Nanasa Islands located in the disputed maritime terrain (SCS). According to the Pentagon, the rocket was built entirely on indigenous technology, and it was released from the structure made by PLA on the island. The US went further and even said that this move by China could lead to a dispute between the other contenders of this disputed maritime region and China.
After this statement of the Pentagon, when the news was discussed in the media, first of all, the Philippines expressed their displeasure over it and talked about it independently to investigate it. Although Philippine Defense Secretary Delphin Lorenz also said that the news about it was only received from the media report. After the news spread, Vietnam too took a sturdy stand on it. Vietnam said that they are keeping an eye on the matter. After coming in front of the news, Australia said that this step could bring tension in the area. Australia also said that he favors peace in this area.
The statement from Australia was also extraordinary because, on the other hand, the flying fighter from the South China Sea, several times its opponents had to face two of the laser weapons attacks. Often, Australia has complained about it publicly. Experts say that China has also put such weapons on private boats present here. Although they have set the pilot to warn only for this weapon, the effect of their attack remains on the pilot for several days.
After the rhetoric by other contenders of the disputed maritime area of the South China Sea, China is shaken. China has responded strongly to the US and said that there was a military exercise in the space between June 29 and July 3. China had already announced it. China also said that there was no tension of any kind after this exercise. China said that the news of the launch of a missile from the island here by the Pentagon is entirely false and devious.
It is important also to mention here that in the last few years this marine area has been a significant witness of the various military exercises performed by different countries. Not only this, but the US aircraft carrier has also passed from here. China had a tight line on this. Apart from this, American B-52 bombs have even been flying from this disputed area. Talking about the US, the Pentagon said that China has tried to scare and bully the other contenders of the region by testing missiles from here.
On this whole incident, China’s government media has also taken the US against it. In an article printed in the Global Times, it has been written that America has always had difficulties in this area. Not only that, he has not avoided making China the enemy to make public Opinion right here. Every time the US has described China as a threat to security and peace, the reality is the opposite.